随着国内疫情逐步受控,各大企业已经复工复产并陆续发放实习招聘的通知,相信各位小伙伴也都开始密锣紧鼓地准备着自己美美的简历。但大家知道嘛?一些名企,特别是外企,例如普华永道,高盛等,除了要求实习申请人提交简历外,还要求申请人附上一封求职信(Cover Letter)。
近日,小编从曾在加拿大进修过的哈鲁老师身上了解到北美洲有非常多的企业,是很注重阅读求职者的Cover Letter。因此,学会结合自己的经历和简历去写好求职信,可使你在众多申请人中脱颖而出。以下为哈鲁老师亲身经历总结下达标的Cover Letter 其常见的要求:
- 求职信最开头应包括所有以下这些必要信息:申请人的姓名,常住地址,联系方式,写信日期。
- 求职信通常包括介绍段(Introduction Paragraph),主体段(Body Paragraph),及结尾段(Closing Paragraph)。介绍段需要包括对收信人的称呼Salutation,申请人需要申请的具体职位以及对该职位职能的基本介绍(也就是简单描述你为何感兴趣这个职位)
- 主体段则需要重点突出简历中与申请职位最相关的能力,还可以在简历内容基础上,进一步介绍与申请职位最相关的能力和成就
- 结尾段点出进一步联系申请人所必要的联系方式,信的最后要给出签名。
- 整个Cover Letter用词需多用正式的书面语,避免语法和拼写错误,以及逻辑上的问题。句式尽量做到多样化,并且合理使用同义转换。
- 和简历一样,Cover Letter不宜过度啰嗦,一般全文一页左右,200-300词就可以的了。
不同的实习职位都有基本的招聘要求及职能介绍,我们应详细参考这些内容去完成Cover Letter的开头段和主体段。以下小编就用一封我们后期老师帮忙和学生一同制作的Cover Letter为例,阐述他当时写信的一些思路,给各位小伙伴加以参考。信中申请的职位项目,是高盛的夏季分析暑期实习项目。项目没有指定特别具体的职位,但也要求申请人选择申请企业具体的部门。
下图是高盛的夏季分析暑期实习项目的一些重点内容节选。是后期老师写Cover Letter时重点参考的内容。
XX XXX(姓名)
XXXXRd., XXXX District, XXXX(常驻地址)
XXXXXXX@163.com (邮箱)
May, 15th(写信日期)
Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC
XXXX, XXXX,XXXXXX(申请企业的详细地址)
Dear Hiring Professionals of Goldman Sachs(写信必带的Salutation):
Noticing your internship recruitment information on the official website, I am motivated to forward my resume to express my passion for your summer analyst internship in the Finance Division in Hong Kong(阐述申请的具体职位,申请该实习项目则是要选择并说明想去的部门和地点). As a student majoring in Financial Statistics, I yearn for a chance to further gain some insights into real-world risks management(风险管理是高盛金融部门官网中有提到的一个职能,所以写信前要对申请职位或部门的相关信息查清楚), which is one of the main duties performed by your Finance Division.
My current CGPA is 3.8/4.0 and rank top 5% among my peers(职位申请要求中就有说到Outstanding record of academic achievement). My undergraduate curriculum gives me ample opportunities to process and analyze all kinds of data. For example,XXXXX(以下是阐述申请人过往参于过的一些有关数据分析的项目). These experiences greatly aroused my interest in analyzing financial status of a company by using quantitative approaches, so as to help it effectively manage risk(实习职位要求有说到申请人需对金融市场有兴趣). Therefore, I aspire to work for your company.
My extracurricular experiences, particularly in XXXXX(社团经历), trained me to be an excellent communicator(人际交往能力是职场通用且最重要的技能). At work, IXXXXXXX(写出社团经历中最能突出自己人际交往能力的职责). This not only allows me to listen to others patiently, but also teaches me how to make communication effective. Thus, it is not challenging for me to cooperate with my colleagues well.
Working in Goldman Sachs, the leading investment bank in the world, will be an invaluable experience for me(有位置空余,还可以捧一捧你的申请企业,证明申请人是很仰慕这个企业并很想得到这个职位). I believe that my quantitative and interpersonal skills will enable me to be a competitive candidate among applicants. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the job position further. I can be reached by either email or mobile phone, as mentioned(写出后续必要的联系方式).
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sincerely(英文邮件常见的结尾,谨记Cover Letter是一封信),